Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Proverbs 4 with Lisa


Here is a test for you in the New Year 2013. It is an open book test so you should not fail. It is a fill in the blank test and the answers are below. Good luck. You will be graded by the Holy Spirit. Here it is...

Sound learning is -_________, __________, and __________ ____________ principles to ____ ______.

Above all else you must always:

Remember Jesus loves you today and so do John and Al. Have a great day in the LORD.

…..Please…..do not forget your Spiritual tie.”

Opening Prayer: Lord all true wisdom comes from heaven. Father God, you are a loving Father that wants me “to get it” everyday. God you are love. You are also righteousness and justice. Like any good father, You will not tolerate foolishness. Help me not to “drop the ball” no matter what the circumstances are. There are consequences for my sins that affect me and others.

I know this request is already answered because of the shed blood of Jesus and because of your counselor, the Holy Spirit. Thank you for loving and caring so much about me and my family. I know that you only want the best for all of us. In Jesus’precious name. Amen.

Comments/Insights: In Proverbs 4 wisdom is supreme. Some words to define supreme are: the greatest, utmost, chief in importance or impact, a point of paramount significance, the highest quality, degree, character, importance, significance and the highest authority.

Seeking godly wisdom is of utmost importance, vital for our lives with God. Proverbs 4:1 says that sons should pay attention and obtain sound learning. Sound learning is hearing, receiving and applying biblical principles to our lives.

Vs. 4 says that we need to hold of Gods words with all our heart and keep his commands so that we will live. Keeping God’s ultimate command of love to Him and to others will give us an abundant, joyful, meaningful life on earth and in heaven. Seeking God’s supreme wisdom will help us deal with all of life’s challenges and concerns. It will help us impact others’ lives for Christ.

Basic Scripture Truth: God’s wisdom is supreme, higher than anything we can think or imagine.

Application to my Life: Don’t wrestle with God like Jacob. Put others that I am praying for the on the altar daily. Godly wisdom is the best way to reach others for Christ. God knows what it takes to reconcile others to Himself.

Closing Prayer: Lord, help be a more active listener to your Holy Spirit, even when I am tired or frustrated. Help me to participate in Your plan, even when it doesn’t make sense to me. Lord, help me to rest and trust You. Lord, help me to wait on You to fight evil for me. The battle is Yours and the victory is Yours to be won. I thank you in advance for all You will do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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