Monday, May 9, 2011

May 2011 Newsletter

“Thou  therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in  Christ Jesus; and the things
that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”  (II Timothy 2:1KJV)

Greetings in His Grace and Peace,

Last month I told you about a new word I made up: D I S C I  P  L E R.  This is one who follows Jesus and shares what he learns from Jesus to faithful disciples who will also share what they learn with others who will share with others and so forth.

By the time   you receive this letter, the banquet will be over. Dan and Chris both will have shared their testimonies about their Paul to Timothy relationship.  God has revealed Himself mightily to both men.

Read the following excerpt of Dan’s testimony:

“Choices always have consequences. This is a truth that applies to all of us and one that I teach consistently.  In 2003 my son made some choices. The consequences were a suspended sentence with probation. In 2005 my son made some more choices. The consequence was the imposing of his sentence of from two to twenty years.

Following his incarceration, I also made some choices. I chose to learn all that I could about the needs of prisoners transitioning out of prison back into society. I knew that my son would need all of the help that he could get in order to make that transition.  One of the consequences of this choice was that I became a part of the church class in Colorado composed entirely of former offenders.  I began to learn the challenges that these men and women faced on a daily basis and their need for accountability and encouragement.   When my wife and I moved to North Carolina, I connected with the halfway house ministry of Restoration House.  Not long after starting to attend their weekly meetings, I met a man named Al Lewis who ministered in the local jail as a Chaplain.

After teaching a Bible study for a year at Restoration House, I had the opportunity to provide some administrative support to Al at the local jail.  While there I learned that there was a need for a ministry partner to serve at the local employment office to help ex-offenders find employment. I recognized that God had equipped me for this ministry and volunteered to fill this role. One consequence of this choice was the opportunity to become a paid employee at the employment office, thereby increasing my opportunity to minister to former offenders.

Through this work, I have had the joy of helping many former offenders learn how to effectively search for employment and find productive jobs. One of those men was Chris Ammons.  After he found a job, he dropped by my office. I thought he wanted help with his job; but to my surprise he wanted me to become his mentor in a Bible study called “OnetoWon.”  I have known Chris for four years and have seen him change from a young man full of pride to one humbled by God and eager to grow in Him.  So, I readily accepted Chris’ offer to study alongside him.

Choices do have consequences. Chris has chosen to seek the Lord and obediently follow Him. I have chosen to be a part of Chris’ support team, providing accountability and encouragement.  The consequences for both of us are the certainty that we are making an eternal investment that will never disappoint us.”

Congratulations to Dan for getting out of your comfort zone and into the ministry of reconciliation.

Congratulations to Chris for obeying God and seeking His will. You are becoming a man of the WORD.

I am so proud of Dan and Chris. In these perilous times God is pouring out His Spirit on ordinary people enabling them to accomplish extraordinary things. We are in the ministry of equipping the saints for ministry. Why not check out our web-site: and see the areas where volunteers are getting out of the four walls of the Church.

We are looking for a few good men, women and young people. Remember, if you do not share what you know, you are in danger of losing what you had.

It is offering month at Safer Communities Ministry. Please pray and ask God how He would have you respond to this appeal for funds.

We love you.

In Christ,                                                  


Rev. Al Lewis, Jr.