Addiction Recovery Ministry

Hello Believers and Christ Seekers,

We live in a world that keeps records on everything and shows you all kind of facts. Fact is: All facts reported are not facts when we examine them with a spiritual eye.

Go ahead guess what you think, "The Worlds Number One Killer is?"

I believe that unforgiveness is the number one public enemy as well as killer. All kinds of symptoms get the blame of course instead of facts. We live in a drugged society as we all know, that is trying to kill the pain of unforgiveness. The big old hole in our soul just get bigger.

Think about it!! You have someone in your family who literally hates to admit they are wrong and say "I am Sorry."

I certainly don't have time to go into all the bible say's about unforgiveness. Think on these two scriptures below written to the Corinthian Church. We know they were a mess and Paul set out to help them because he loved them and forgave them. They did not know what damage they were doing to the cause of Christ.

2 Corinthians 10: To whom ye forgive anything, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ. Lest Satan should get an advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.

UNFORGIVENESS----SATAN is right in the middle of it and has the upper hand until we loosen our grip and open our hand and heart and let go. SELAH

Forgive Today! There is no other way to be more like Jesus!

We wanna be like Jesus,

John and Vanessa Hurley

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