Friday, October 11, 2013


(Message from Lisa Blewitt for Safer Communities Ministry)
This morning I asked my daughter if she had studied for her spelling test.  Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that as Christian's we all need to study for our "tests" in life.

When we read, study, meditate, pray, and apply God's word to our lives we prepare ourselves for the tests in our lives.  His Word must be hidden in our heart for when we need it.  
The Bible is full of testimonies from regular people like you and me who walked in faith when God called them to action.  Did they have the total picture of where they were going?  No. 

In Genesis 12:1-2, God asked Abraham to leave his country, leave his people, and leave his father's home to go to a new land where He wanted Abraham to go.  Abraham's obedience would result in him becoming the father of a great nation, and people would call him a blessing. 

Abraham could have said, "No, I want to stay where I am.   I am afraid."  But he trusted God.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we may sometimes read God's word just as words on the page.  But there is power in His words!   God's words can activate, us by the power of the Holy Spirit, to do God's will. 

God speaks to us through His Word.  When we meditate on the the words He has given us, and put on our "listening ears,"  We will pass the first "test" of hearing God's marching orders.  Then we must do like Abraham -- trust and obey. 

The Word will order your steps and the Holy Spirit will be your teacher.  Have you prepared yourself for your "test" today?

Grace and peace to you,

1 comment:

  1. Praise God as He has prepared me for the tests by bringing me through trials and past challenges. When we are going through a tough time, it helps to remember past times when God really did come through.
